Warning: Illegal string offset 'extension'

Having trouble installing serendipity?
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Warning: Illegal string offset 'extension'

Post by freymann »

I'm still working on upgrading our old v.1 Serendipity Blog to v2.3.5

We run on FreeBSD server, all current versions of everything, PHP 7.4, etc.

I'm doing my 'test' work on a Windoze Box using XAMMP.

I did another fresh install of Serendipity 2.3.5 this morning.
I'm trying to imitate what I will be doing later on the live FreeBSD server...

But on the Windoze box...
I copied over our theme and activated it.
I replaced specific database tables (authors, category, entries, images, 7 in all) with copies from the current installation.
I was able to log in, activate our theme, move around OK, see the blog, add/edit entries.
Then I rebooted my Windoze box, fired up XAMMP, and wanted to make sure everything was still a go.
When I log into the Admin area I get

'The Serendipity JavaScript-library could not be loaded. This can happen due to PHP or Plugin errors, or even a malformed browser cache. To check the exact error please open http://localhost/blog/index.php?/plugin ... _editor.js manually in your browser and check for error messages.

When I click on the link I get:

Warning: Illegal string offset 'extension' in \htdocs\blog\include\functions_images.inc.php on line 2333.
For more details set $serendipity['production'] = 'debug' in serendipity_config_local.inc.php to receive a stack-trace.

and in the Debug Console
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'
http://localhost/blog/index.php?/plugin ... ditor.js:2

And with that, I'm back to our current problem on the live site on FreeBSD, which is when we go to Content and try to enter a New Entry or Edit Entries, we can't select a category.

On my test install, I did install CKEditor Plus, when I removed it the problem seemed to go away, sorta.

I have one account, Standard editor, where the entries is working.

I try another account, Administrator, and I get the error above.

It's not making any sense to me. I'm worried we'll see the same behaviour on the FreeBSD box so I'm wondering if this is some weird Windoze/XAMMP thing I'm hitting?
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Re: Warning: Illegal string offset 'extension'

Post by onli »

The CKEditor Plus plugin has not seen an upgrade in a very long time. It's primarily developer is not active with s9y anymore and no one has picked it up - and in the meantime, the CKEditor installation that is bundled in the core got improved. It is quite possible the code of that plugin is no longer compatible with PHP 7.4. or with Serendipity 2.3.5. You should remove it.
Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2021 6:23 pm

Re: Warning: Illegal string offset 'extension' - RESOLVED

Post by freymann »

I did a test install under Ubuntu and that went smooth so I went ahead and did a fresh install on the live FreeBSD web server and we seem to be good now (no CKeditor) and the edit/enter entries is fully functional.

I have one error in the web server log I need to investigate but I'll make that a separate thread.

I've changed the subject line to include RESOLVED but I can't say for sure the CKeditor was the culprit.
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