Serendipity 2.1-rc1 released

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Serendipity 2.1-rc1 released

Post by onli »

Today we release RC1 of the coming version 2.1. As a RC, it is supposed to be on par with a stable version, but in need of some additional testing. 2.1 brings a bunch of improvements:
  • Rewrites in some older legacy parts of the core (URL routing, template fallback chain, experimental internal caching) as well as PHP7 compatibility.
  • New bundled responsive themes "Timeline" and "Clean-Blog"
    Improved usability of plugin upgrades by combining sidebar and event plugins and upgrading multiple plugins at once
  • Permission checks for the dashboard output and comments
  • Please see the blog announcement for more info.
Compared with the last beta-version it also fixes some (minor to medium) security issues, if you run the beta a upgrade is highly recommended.

Please note that we already got an initial report of a bug in the RC that slipped through: The Upgrade-Button in the plugin-section is not working (you will get the HTTP-Referrer error message, since a token is missing). This is the fix and would need to be manually applied until we can release a patched version (which will be RC-1.1, RC-2 or the stable, depending on whether additionally bugs are found).
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Re: Serendipity 2.1-rc1 released

Post by vizubo » Powered by Serendipity!
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