Leaving Github

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Joined: Wed Jan 06, 2021 5:34 pm

Leaving Github

Post by surrim »

Hey there,

I'm going to leave Github soon. I don't want to get f**ked by MS and their 2FA things. I'm probably moving into another country very soon and I can't make sure not loose any devices or keep track of everything at this time (bike nomad).
I don't trust that company anyway. It's a shame that they bought an Open Source platform without asking their developers.

Anyway, I'm still on Gitlab
Would be nice if there are any possibilities to continue contributing with my OpenStreetMap plugins and other issues.

Kind regards
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Joined: Tue Sep 09, 2008 10:04 pm

Re: Leaving Github

Post by onli »

surrim, it would be a shame to lose your contributions. 2FA really is a problem if it blocks legitimate access, but it's also a good thing with regards to security, even for just a project like ours. And Github is honestly excellent in the amount of 2FA-factors it supports. SMS, TOTP app (of which there are many! Also on F-Droid, FOSS. Or directly on your Laptop) alone. Or you could get an USB-Key that serves as second factor. I have one from https://solokeys.com/collections/all, Nitrokey is also supposed to be good (https://www.nitrokey.com/#comparison is a bit confusing, but to me it looks like the cheapest one, the Nitrokey FIDO2, is all that'd be needed). All those factors can be activated in parallel, so even as a global bike nomad I'm sure retaining access would be possible.

There is also a workflow of sending in git changes as patches via email, but I've never done that and currently don't understand how that would work. Maybe it is an option though.

We have a mirror on Gitlab I created a while ago: https://gitlab.com/s9y_blog/Serendipity/ (it's an error that the org url uses s9y_blog, I dunno how that happened). I do not see how it would be possible to make it a two-way mirror, so we could accept changes on Gitlab and continue having the main on Github.

I'm definitely not a fan of Microsoft, but I see no reason to move from one company to the next, not while Github doesn't fuck up. And the ease of use on Github is the best currently. I don't think the project will move anytime soon.
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